Our assessments contain 5 sections:
1. Task Details
2. Substance Information
3. Task Hazards and Controls
4. Health Suirveillance
5. Sign off sheet
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Section 1 of 5:
Here you can outline the task being carried out. With our great editor, you can add text colour and formatting to highlight crucial information. You can also insert images, tables and even hyperlinks!
Section 2 of 5:
The substance information section outlines the important information relating to the substances being used in your task. It shows the hazards of the substance, the regulatory statements and any Spillage, Storage and Waste instructions.
Section 3 of 5:
Section 4 of 5:
The health surveillance area of the assessment outlines any required health monitoring in place to spot early signs of any ill health.
Section 5 of 5:
The final part of the assessment is the Confirmation. The sign off sheet holds the signatures of those carrying out the task, and is a confirmation that they have understood the risks and will comply with the control measures.