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Do you know how compliant your business is with chemical safety legislation, off the top of your head?

I’m guessing the answer is no for the majority of companies.

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Because I know chemical safety.

I know how complex the legislation is, I know how difficult it is to ensure everyone working at your premises is on the same page when it comes to managing COSHH and the chemicals in use throughout your site.

How do I know?

I read hundreds of support requests every month asking for clarification on what this Part of that Annex really means for their business, or which pieces of safety data are supposed to be included in their chemical (COSHH) risk assessment.

You know… the critical information that your business needs to know so you are able to keep your premises, and most importantly, your employees safe from the hazards inherent in the use of chemical products in the workplace.

Unfortunately, while this information is readily available, it is hidden behind hundreds of confusing abbreviations, codes and phrases that require you to then dig deeper to solve the mystery of the dreaded abbreviation before you can access the information you really need.

All usually spread over hundreds of webpages often requiring you to visit web sites from other countries to enable you to clarify a particularly difficult to understand Amendment on an Annex that introduced certain aspects of UN best practice or alteration of critical workplace exposure limits.

Did you notice how hard the previous paragraph was to read?

It strikes me as exactly how regulatory legislation is presented to the people who really need to understand it. Rushed and only barely sensical.

The guidance that is published by the safety authorities is only slightly less complex and confusing. This is the guidance that is supposed to be designed specifically to promote best practice to businesses. It’s supposed to efficiently explain how to do chemical safety right.

And it’s still difficult to decipher, even with the glossary tacked on at the end.

This inexcusable problem is why the Sevron team and I have dedicated every minute of our workdays – and some of our free time, thanks guys – to continuously improving our products and services to help ensure our clients' compliance.

We’re here to help businesses save lives.

Users of our Safety365 Suite of software products know how simple our AI technology makes managing chemical safety, and very soon, they will understand exactly how their business’ compliance stands up to chemical safety legislation.

Introducing Know Apply Verify™, or K.A.V™, the latest in chemical safety compliance AI technology.

K.A.V monitors all of the data and activity on your Safety365 account and uses it to calculate a Compliance Score.

Your compliance score is a number between 1 and 1000 which shows exactly how compliant your business is against chemical safety regulatory legislation.

K.A.V will also offer you recommended actions to complete which will improve your Compliance Score.

He(?) does this using Sevron’s Traffic Light System:

  • Red – Critical or urgent attention needed.
  • Yellow – Important or needs attention as soon as possible.
  • Green – Action required, but not urgent.

Each area of the Safety365 Suite monitored by K.A.V contains several tasks you can take which will improve your score.

These tasks also follow the traffic light system:

  • Red Task - +100 points.
  • Yellow Task - +50 points
  • Green Task - +20 points.

K.A.V will inform you what you must do to complete these tasks and how big the contribution will be to your Compliance Score.

Once you perform one of these tasks, K.A.V will begin monitoring the new data, calculate a new Compliance Score for you and present it on your Dashboard. 

If this data becomes out-of-date or obsolete, K.A.V will warn you of this and advise you on how to act.

Essentially, K.A.V does 80% of your COSHH chemical safety management for you.

And what he can’t do, because it requires a human touch, he will offer suggestions on how to best update, correct or modify your processes in order to remain compliant and maintain a high Compliance Score.

Assess your risks, ensure your safety with Sevron Ltd!
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Sevron Ltd is a leading risk assessment company that helps businesses stay fully compliant with COSHH regulations. With our COSHH 365 system, companies can produce simple and effective risk assessments for their entire business. At Sevron Ltd, we understand the importance of protecting your employees. So let us help you assess your risks and ensure your safety today.
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